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the Charge Field causes the Ice Ages
Miles Mathis
posted January 18, 2011
I am not a geophysicist, I had never really studied the math for
the ice age cycle. I only stumbled across it when I was writing my
latest paper on the
Sun. At Wikipedia, I found this enticing tidbit on the "Sun"
recent theory claims that there are magnetic instabilities in the
core of the Sun that cause fluctuations with periods of either
41,000 or 100,000 years. These could provide a better explanation
of the ice ages than the Milankovitch cycles.
they could, since, as I will show presently, the Milankovitch
variables are garbage when it comes to explaining long-term
cycles. However, any theory that proposes magnetic instabilities
in the core of the Sun as a mechanism for ice ages would have to
explain the cause
of the magnetic instabilities.
I have studied the "recent theory," and in that regard
it is a ghost. The theory is not really a theory, it is a model,
because it shows effects but not causes. This is the theory of
Robert Ehrlich, who had an article in the January 2007 JASTP.* He
bases his theory on nothing but a computer model, by which he
shows that magnetic instabilities could
cause small temperature
fluctuations in the core of the Sun. I have nothing against his
model (at this time), and it may well be correct in its outlines,
but he offers us no good cause of the magnetic instabilities,
which I think we can all agree is a big hole in the theory. Others
have proposed quantum effects (of course!) to explain these
instabilities, but they are worse than ghosts. They are, as usual,
flights of fancy and bad math. I will show with simple math and
mechanics that the variations in the Sun are caused by outside
influences, not by processes within the Sun itself.
theory that Ehrlich is trying to improve upon is called the
Milankovitch theory, a theory from around 1914. It is based on
long-term cycles in the Earth's eccentricity, tilt, precession,
and so on. Strangely, though we are told on the "Milankovitch
cycle" page at Wiki that "the theory has overwhelming
support," it is admitted on the "Ice Age" page that
Milankovitch cycles "probably cannot start an ice age."
This is because the longer term cycles, though larger, are said to
be caused by smaller variations. For example, it is admitted that
eccentricity has a smaller effect on so-called Solar forcing, and
yet eccentricity is the variable that matches the 100,000 year
number. Obviously the ice ages are the largest effect. How could
the largest effect be caused by the smallest cause?
bigger problem, not admitted at Wiki or anywhere else, is that
variables like eccentricity cannot cause anything, since they are
field effects not causes. In other words, there is and can be no
"Solar forcing," since the Earth does not force the Sun
to do anything. It is the other way round, of course. It is the
Sun that does any forcing. It is variables transmitted by the Sun
that cause all the terrestrial variables, including eccentricity,
tilt, and so on. Smaller bodies do not force larger bodies; larger
bodies force smaller ones. I will be reminded of the old
equal-and-opposite rule, but if the Earth responds to the Sun in
kind, that response will still be swallowed up and ignored. All
effects, whether gravitational or E/M from a body the size of the
Earth to a body the size of the Sun are negligible. They cannot
cause these large effects seen in the ice core samples.
Milankovitch cycle has many, many problems, most of which are
admitted, but the greatest problem is that all the proposed
effects together can't come near explaining what we see. The
theorists then propose feedback mechanisms to increase the effect,
but it is much more likely that the effects from these variations
are actually damped by other variations (like greenhouse gasses),
rather than amplified. This is admitted even on the Wiki page,
where one of the strongest causes of variation, axial tilt, is
admitted to be resisted by other environmental variables,
including greenhouse gasses.
It became apparent to me very
quickly that this question was like all the others in physics and
geophysics: the current answer was very poor, everyone seemed to
recognize that in moments of candor, but the current answer was
nonetheless guarded as a precious thing, since so many careers had
been built on it. I could tell at a glance that the Milankovitch
cycles were jerry-rigged and pushed, since they had no structural
soundness from the first tap. Math is a lot like architecture. You
don't have to study the Louvre for many weeks or years to see that
it is more structurally sound than the Pompidou, for example. You
can tell at a glance. It is the same with the math of these
theories. Good theories are simple, and the math has no tape on
it. Bad theories are full of paste-overs, pushes, and props, and
they always come with a long list of assurances, insurances, and
apologetics. They also come with complete their own cops, who will
threaten and bully anyone who points out the tape and the props.
Good math and theory doesn't need cops: it is its own
recommendation. Only bad theory needs to intimidate you to believe
I was also amazed at how simple the right answer was,
as usual. The right answer had been missed not because it was so
complex and esoteric, but because the current physicists had
preferred to bury their heads up their own black holes one more
time. As I will show in just a moment, the answer depends only
upon seeing influences from outside the Solar System, and we
should know of those influences. We are not ignorant of the
galactic core and its incredible power. So an impartial observer
will ask why physicists are so blindered when it comes to
admitting input from beyond the Solar System. The math and
mechanics I will show you are hardly revolutionary. But physicists
don't want to go there because this input must come in on the
charge field, and present physicists are allergic to the charge
field in celestial mechanics. They don't want to even consider it,
because it will mess up all their work, all
the way back to Laplace. Yes, they will have to re-do
centuries worth of math, and they don't want to do that, the truth
be damned.
But the mechanics is fairly simple. It takes
about 240 million years for us to circle the galactic core. If we
divide that by 100,000, the time between ice ages, we get 2400. So
the Earth does something 2400 times in every galactic orbit, and
that something causes either cooling or heating. What could it be?
I suggest a Solar System alignment with the galactic core, which
would align the galactic charge field with the Solar charge field.
For the galactic core to augment the Solar field like this, the
ecliptic either has to be in the same plane as the galactic plane,
or the nodes have to be perpendicular to the galactic core. Since
the ecliptic is now at a large angle [60o]
to the celestial equator, those planes don't match. Instead, we
must study the nodes.
Some will think this is astrology,
due to the terminology, but it isn't. It is straight mechanics.
The nodes I am talking about are just the two points on the
circles where the ecliptic meets the galactic plane, as in this
illustration is from the Wiki page on the ecliptic, not from an
astrology site, so stay calm, please. It is showing the plane of
the Solar System relative to the Earth's equator, but we can
pretend "celestial equator" means galactic plane if we
like (since I couldn't find a diagram of that, this will do). We
just change the angle from 23 to 60. To be even more precise, we
would change the ecliptic plane to the equator of the Sun, since
there is a 3o
difference, but the angle
doesn't actually matter in this problem so I will skip all that.
All we need to know for now is that there is an angle and that the
nodes travel.
It also doesn't matter if the Sun is
actually in the main galactic plane or not. All we need for this
theory is the actual plane between the galactic core and the Sun,
since points outside the main plane receive charge just as do
points in the main plane. They don't receive as much, but they
receive plenty. We are told that the Sun travels from below the
plane to above it over very long time scales, but that also
doesn't matter here. It won't affect this paper. It may answer
even longer timescale problems, but it doesn't affect this one.
As it turns out, the nodes move in the same sort of
precession that the precession of the equinoxes does, since this
precession causes that precession. That is why I can use this
diagram. It is currently believed that so-called lunisolar
precession is caused "by the gravitational forces of the Moon
and Sun on Earth's equatorial bulge, causing Earth's axis to move
with respect to inertial space," but that is false. Since I
have shown elsewhere that gravity is a motion, not a force,
precession cannot be caused that way. Einstein showed that gravity
was not a force, and although current physicists accept that, they
haven't let it sink in too far. They browbeat us with that fact
when it suits them, and then flagrantly ignore it the next moment
when it suits them, as you see. If gravity is not a force, it
cannot cause precession in this way. But this probably deserves
another paper, since I haven't addressed it yet. You may simply
notice for now that if I am correct, this motion of the Solar
plane relative to the galactic would cause a precession of the
equinoxes with no real motion of the Earth's tilt. To decide the
question, we only have to study the Solar
precession of other planets. If
I am right, they should all precess on the same timescale. I found
data on other sorts of precession for the other planets, but none
on this. Either it isn't known or it isn't widely publicized.
Now, go back to the diagram. We will use their nodes, as a
convenience. As you can see, one of the nodes I am talking about
used to point at Aries, hence the name. It now points at Pisces.
It travels through the zodiac, taking about 23,000 years to do so,
we are told. When I say that the Solar System should be
perpendicular with the galaxy, in order to cause a charge
conjunction, I mean that the line running through the two nodes is
perpendicular to the galactic core. Since the galactic core is in
Sagittarius, this means the nodes would be pointing roughly at
Pisces and Virgo (right angles to Sagittarius). Since the nodes
are pointing at Pisces right now, we are in an interglacial
period. In other words, I will show now that we are in an
interglacial period because
the nodes are pointing at
It is actually very simple, and completely
mechanical, but to explain it simply and visually is a bit tricky.
I suggest you grab two CDs or DVDs or other small disks. Hold one
in one hand and one in the other. Hold the one in your left hand
horizontal, or flat to the ground. That will stand for the galaxy.
The one in your right hand is now the Solar System. The Sun is at
the center of the disk and the Earth is part of the way out,
orbiting. Now, the Solar disk is not flat to the ground. It is at
an angle. Over time, we will let this angle stay the same, but we
will move the high point. Start out with the high point of the
disk pointing toward the galaxy disk. When that is the case, the
nodes are not pointing at the galaxy disk. You can see this if you
bring the disks together. If you could superimpose them, as in the
diagram above, the nodes would be pointing to the sides. Now let
the high end of your Solar disk go 1/4 turn either way. In that
case, the nodes are now pointing at the galaxy disk. I will show
that when the nodes are perpendicular the charge conjunction is at
a maximum.
Over time, the high end of the Solar disk makes
a full revolution, returning to its original position. This is one
cycle, and it is this cycle that takes about 23,000 years. But the
nodes will be in line with the galactic core in two positions:
when the high end is at 1/4 and 3/4. Or, if the galactic core is
north, the nodes will line up with it when the high end is east or
west. And so we get an alignment every 11,500 years or so. Alarms
should be going off in your head now, because that number is
already an important one in the history of ice ages. According to
the math of many, interglacials have lasted about 11 thousands
years. This is where that number comes from. 11.5 is half of 23.
If that were all there were to it, then we would get a
warming from this alignment every 11,000 years. Actually, we do.
If you study the ice core chart from Vostok in the Antarctic,
there are, yes, 9 little peaks in each of the longer periods, and
the peaks are an average of about 11,000 years apart. All of those
peaks indicate a warming period. We aren't usually told this. We
are told the interglacial periods are 11,000 years long, but we
aren't told that there are 8 other (sub)interglacial periods, all
of them also about 11,000 years long.
you want to confirm this yourself, just take your ruler to the
chart. You will find a very clear 3/16 inch gap between many of
the adjacent minipeaks. This corresponds to about 11,000 years.
But we still have the longer period to explain. There must
be another variation, because some of these warming periods are a
lot larger than the others. Only one in nine of the warming
periods is large enough to melt the glaciers and be called
interglacial. And this 1 in 9 comes (almost) like clockwork.
What causes it? Jupiter. Jupiter causes a wobble in this
cycle, sort of like the wobble in the tilt of the Earth, due to
nutation. Jupiter provides what is called a libration to the
motions above. Because of Jupiter, one of the nine conjunctions is
cleaner than the other eight, and this causes a greater maximum in
the charge field.
Remember that even mainstream physicists
have pointed out that our system is almost a two-star system.
Jupiter is nearly as large as many red dwarf stars, and he
recycles nearly as much charge as a small star. Since we are
studying charge here, not fusion, it doesn't matter that Jupiter
is not fusing. Only the charge matters. Therefore a charge
alignment must include Jupiter. The important fact here is that
Jupiter is not precisely on the Solar plane or the ecliptic or the
invariant plane or the Solar equator. Once again, we have a small
angle. This angle causes the wobble. It causes it because it now
matters where Jupiter is in his inclination cycle when the
galactic alignment occurs. In other words, at each 11,000 year
alignment, Jupiter is in a different place. When Jupiter is
nearest the Solar plane, he most augments the charge maximum. When
he is most off the plane, he least augments it. But because of the
way his inclination matches up with the larger cycle, he is only
at his nearest point about every 100,000 years.
Some will
say the line is the invariant plane, in which case Jupiter is
nearly on it already. But the charge field is not determined by
the invariant plane. It is determined by the Solar equator,
through which most of the charge in the Solar system is cycled
into the system. Therefore, the system is most efficient when
Jupiter is crossing the Solar equator or is nearest to it. Jupiter
is currently 6o
off the Solar equator, so
charge efficiency in the system is not near the maximum in that
regard (unless Jupiter is usually more than 6o
Again, I
couldn't find good data on the precession of Jupiter's
inclination, or his libration. I found some old theoretical
numbers, based on Laplace and Copernicus, but since these had the
actual inclination spread wrong, it is doubtful they would have
the period correct. Since we now have real data from flybys, we
should have new numbers. If anyone wants to send them to me, I
will work on them. That said, it appears that the current accepted
number for the cycle is about 50,000 years. That is nice, because
it is half our long cycle. Both an old book on Google books and a
new video on youtube
used that number, though neither mention gave much detail. In
neither place could I find out whether the number came from data
or from theoretical models. In any case, we could have predicted
we would find the number 100,000 or a simple fraction of it. Since
Jupiter must be the cause, we know that the numbers will work out
one way or the other.
Some will find that last statement
peculiar, but once again I solved this one because I knew where to
look (and where not to look). I knew the Milankovitch cycles
couldn't explain this, because bodies don't cause effects upon
themselves. Just as the Earth cannot be "forcing" the
Sun, it cannot be forcing itself. Local mechanisms can affect
eachother, and I am not denying it, but large long-term cycles
like this cannot be caused locally. Milankovitch was looking in
the wrong place from the start. His opening postulates were
illogical. He was trying to explain effects via other effects, and
that can't work no matter what you are looking at.
some reason, humans are not yet adept at looking beyond their own
environs for mechanical explanations. Our sight is still generally
very limited. We know that the Sun causes everything here, and we
should know that the galaxy causes the Sun to do whatever he does,
but we aren't good at peering up the line of influences. Some of
us have prayed to the Sun, but I don't know of a people who have
prayed to the galactic core. My solution to this problem tells us
that would have been the logical thing to do. Supposing that
powers greater than us required prayer or worship, we should have
been worshiping the great deity seated in or near Sagittarius, who
plugs in our Sun and thereby powers everything in this system.
But enough narrative color. Let us return to the straight
mechanics. I have some large questions yet to answer. The first
one is, "Supposing you are right, how, precisely, does the
charge field of the galaxy align with the charge field of the
Solar system? You have a 60o
angle, no matter what. Why
should one configuration give us maximum input, and warming, and
another configuration give us minimum input, and cooling?"
Well, we need to know how the Sun acts as a conduit of this
energy, to understand how the fields hook up mechanically. Before
I discovered how the Sun worked, it could have been argued against
me that the charge from the core of the galaxy simply arrived like
other light does, coming directly from source to receiver. In
other words, we don't require that visible light be cycled through
the Sun. The light from Sagittarius goes directly from there to
here, with no stopover in the Sun. But it turns out charge doesn't
work that way. Charge is made up of lower energy photons, and
these lower energy, longer wavelength photons do make a stopover
in the Sun. They get sucked in by the charge vortex created by the
Sun's spin and his charge potentials. A large number of them go in
the Solar poles and are recycled. I don't know yet if the Sun
borrows some of their energy, spitting them out at longer
wavelengths than were emitted, although that is a good hypothesis.
What I do know is that the Sun emits them more heavily at the
equator, due only to angular momentum. The greatest velocities are
at the equator. Therefore the charge is heaviest in the plane of
the Solar equator, and that applies all the way out to Pluto. The
planets live in or near this plane because that is where the
energy is. The charge potentials push them there, and by being
there they are constantly energized by the field.
that explains very little, at first glance. We have that 60o
angle to explain, and we cannot
get rid of it no matter how we look at the input. No, we can't get
rid of it, but we can discover how its influence varies. We can
study our disks again, to see how the variation works. At first I
thought the maximum conjunction would happen when the nodes
pointed at the galactic core. When the nodes are pointing at the
core, the angle isn't important. This is because the angle is
sideways to the influence, and so it isn't really an angle in the
field. To see this, just position your disks. If the galactic disk
is N, let the high end of your Solar disk be east or west. In that
case, you have an angle, but the galactic core doesn't see it. The
two disks are tilted relative to one another, yes, but the angle
is 90o
to the field. When one field
influences the other, the angle is "invisible." It won't
affect the mechanics. If you don't like the word field, we can
look at the photons. When the photons arrive from the galactic
core to the Sun, they don't experience that angle. They don't have
to travel through it. They don't care whether the Sun is tilted or
not, since he is not tilted at them. He is tilted to the west,
say, and they are coming from the north. Straight mechanics.
This is why I thought this configuration would cause
maximum effect. The angle is put out of "sight."
Normally, I would have been right. This configuration would have
caused maximum conjunction of the fields. In the opposite
configuration, the high end of the Solar disk is N or S, and the
angle is pointing either directly at or away from the galactic
core. So the core "sees" the angle. The charge coming
from the galaxy hits this angle, and we have to take a sine of
that angle to calculate the effect. That would normally produce a
But I had forgotten one very important thing. The
plane of the Sun here, that we are representing as the disk, is
the plane of the Sun's equator.
But the Sun doesn't receive charge at the equator, he emits it
there. Which means we need to align the galactic charge field with
the Sun's poles,
not the Sun's equator. This reverses everything we just assumed
about the disks and the maximums. When the charge from the galaxy
is coming in at the equator, the field conjunction is at a
minimum. The emission of the Sun counters it, or damps it, and
much less of its makes it to the poles. But when the angle is in
line with the galactic core, we have a maximum. We have to take
the cosine of the angle, to figure out how much of the galactic
field actually pours into the poles, but that portion of the field
is the most the Sun can possibly get. The Sun never tilts 90o
to the galaxy, so he cannot
receive the full dose. Cos60o
is the best he can do.
say it another way, let us look at the photons. If the photons
from the galactic core arrive at the Solar equator, they are met
by a heavy barrage of photons coming right at them. We get a lot
of spin cancellations and potential cancellations, and the two
fields of photons don't stack. Mathematically, they cancel. But if
the Sun is tilted toward the incoming photons, they can more
easily pour right into his pole. Not only do they experience less
field traffic from emitted charge photons coming at them (since
the Sun emits less nearer the poles), they also find a straighter
path into the pole. It is almost like the Sun leans over to let
them in the hole, you see. And this works either with the north
pole or the south pole. In one case it is photons pouring in and
in the other it is anti-photons, but neither the Sun nor the
galaxy really cares which it is. The Earth doesn't care either,
since we don't even know the difference here.
As you now
know, this matches data, since we are currently in this second
configuration. The angle is in line with the galactic core, since
we know that the nodes are pointing at Pisces. And we know we are
at or near a maximum, because we are interglacial. Jupiter must
also be nearer his maximum, because we are still quite warm. We
are at zero instead of 4 on the chart, but we are way above -9. We
take this to mean that Jupiter being inclined to 6o
is nearer his maximum than his
Next we have the mechanics of the Jupiter
libration. I have done the overview but haven't explained to you
the specifics. How does the charge field of the Sun meet that of
Jupiter? Well, since Jupiter's poles are right side up, like the
Earth but not like Venus, we assume he has the same charge profile
as the Sun. Meaning, he is mainly matter not antimatter, and
photons not antiphotons. If so, then he would amplify the charge
from the Sun, both the magnetic component and the electrical
component. The closer he is to the Sun's equator, the more he
amplifies, since we have simple poolball mechanics here. I would
say that is the best assumption at this time, but the reverse
situation would also fit the theory. If we discover from data that
the charge of Jupiter actually damps the charge of the Sun, then
our maximum charge conjunction is when Jupiter is furthest from
the line, rather than closest to it. Either situation creates
maxima and minima, on the same timescale, so either would work.
As for the timescale, I can't analyze the data without
knowing what it is. But let us assume for now that the inclination
cycle is currently around 50,000 years. In that case we have to
explain the extra 2 in the math. I suspect that the number 50,000
is for the move from maximum to minimum, not the full cycle, in
which case our math is done. But there may be other easy
explanations of the number 2, if that should turn out not to be
true. For instance, since the Earth reverses polarity
occasionally, Jupiter probably does too. These pole reversals
might add a 2 to the field, since we would then have two
possibilities over the long term: N and S. This would
automatically double the long-cycle number. There are other
possibilites, but I will not complicate this paper with more
analysis. When I have firm data, I will do more work on this.
are told that we are late for the next ice age, and if you study
the ice core chart you quickly see where that conclusion comes
from. However, if you study it with a bit more rigor, you will see
that we have been late for the next ice age for more than 20,000
years. If we are just going on the ice core readings, and a
statistical analysis, this current warm spell should have started
around 40,000BC, and should have ended around 25,000BC. This means
that Jupiter is not doing his old job like he used to. I would say
that it is very likely that Jupiter is not exactly what he was
400,000 years ago, or even 100,000 years ago. In other words, it
is very likely that the inclination cycle of Jupiter has changed
in the past half million years, due to taking on new moons or to
other Solar System changes. Since Jupiter is the cause of the long
cycle, a small change in Jupiter's inclination would change the
whole chart dramatically.
We also know from other charts
that Jupiter cannot have been what he is now in the time of the
dinosaurs. The dinosaurs existed for around 160 million years, so
this ice core chart obviously doesn't go back that far. What I
mean is, there couldn't have been ice ages every 100,000 years
back then, so the conjunctions we have now are different than the
conjunctions we had back then. Either Jupiter was more stable,
with no or very little inclination variation, or the Sun was
tilted more with regard to the galaxy, or something. As I will
show in another paper, most likely the Sun was nearer the galactic
plane proper, and so it received more charge all the time.
Whatever the cause, we see that things change. Charts change, and
charts change because bodies move. This ice core chart is telling
us that things have changed in the past half million years. What
happened before didn't happen this time, and our job is to find
out why. Are the periods getting longer because Jupiter's
inclination cycle is getting longer, or are we entering a period
of no ice, like the Triassic, because the Sun is tilting more? Or
is the Sun moving closer to the plane of the galaxy, or further
away? These are the real causes of long-term temperature here on
Earth, not global warming or anything else humans may do. We can
only react in small ways to these changes. Burning all the fuel in
the world can only delay a temperature change for a few years. If
the ice age is coming, we may have delayed it for a couple of
decades, but we cannot have delayed it for 20,000 years. According
to the ice core statistics, it should have happened thousands of
years ago, and we weren't doing anything then to delay it. From
that alone we should infer our own unimportance.
We should
cut our pollution so that we can breathe better, eat better, and
live with fewer illnesses. And we should control our populations
so that we don't all have to live in squalor (and so that other
species can live, too, and not in our trash). But temperature is
ultimately beyond our control. Unless we can move the Sun or
Jupiter, we are out of luck.
That said, we had better
begin studying more closely the inclination of Jupiter and the
relation of the Sun to the galaxy. We can't continue to live in
ignorance of the charge field, or the way the galaxy plugs into
the Solar system. We can't respond to coming changes if we don't
know what they are. I would say that currently we haven't got a
clue. Since we are still explaining the precession of the
equinoxes by gravitational magic, we must still be in the dark
ages, mechanically. Since we haven't recognized the charge field,
we must be living in the dark ages, mechanically. Since we haven't
recognized the galactic input, which drives everything, we are in
the dark ages, mechanically. It is way past time we quit larking
around with black holes and the first seconds of the universe,
which are problems way beyond us, and start looking at these
problems that will affect us greatly, especially if an ice age is
going to start any minute. We are told by various groups that we
are either on the edge of a new ice age, on the edge of
armageddon, or on the edge of a flood caused by warming, but none
of these groups are doing anything about it (except proposing new
taxes and building new jails). We hear a lot of urgency in voices,
to create alarm, but we see no action. If things were as dire as
we are told, we would expect people to be rushing into action, as
in the movie Deep
Impact or
something. Instead, we see physicists blowing billions of tax
dollars jacking around with colliders, looking for hypothetical
Bosons to fill holes in their mattresses, I mean matrices. And
these same physicists can't even tell you what charge is, much
less locate it in the field equations.
Once again, I have
shown you that mechanics is the answer. I haven't discovered the
whole answer yet, and don't expect to. But I have shown you the
framework for the right answer. Giving charge a real presence in
the field, giving the photon a real presence in the field, and
finding the charge field in the field equations of Newton and
Einstein are the pillars of this framework. The fourth pillar is
keeping that charge mechanical, by explaining every motion and
every force and every interaction in terms of
collisions—collisions that can be diagrammed. No borrowing from
the vacuum, no broken symmetries, no virtual particles, no
undefined fields, no forces at a distance, no hidden variables, no
hiding behind the math.
more on the ice core charts, you may now go to my new paper on the
Mayan Calendar
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