return to homepage Click on the image above to read the
blurbs on the back. Click here
to read the introduction by Dr. Tahir Yaqoob, research
astrophysicist at both NASA and Johns Hopkins University. This is
my first book, and it is a compilation of papers from this
website. 29 chapters, 350 pages. I lead with my analysis of
Newton's famous gravitational equation, showing that it is really
a unified field equation in disguise. I do the same for Coulomb's
equation. In other chapters I unify all the quantum particles,
including the proton, electron, photon, and all the mesons. I show
how to build a nucleus without a strong force, I pull apart
asymptotic freedom, I rebuild QCD without the quark, I solve
Bode's law, I provide a mechanical explanation for superposition
and entanglement, and I show the source of the fine structure
constant. See below for chapter list. You can also order from Amazon.com if you like, but of course they won't be signed.
Click on the image above to read the blurbs on the back. This is my second book, again being a compilation of my best papers from this website. 29 chapters, 369 pages, available hardback and softback. Here I show how the failure to incorporate photons into the field equations doomed any and all attempts at unification. I start by unlocking the Lagrangian, showing that it is a third unified field equation (along with Newton's equation and Coulomb's equation from book 1). Then I show how to use numbers from Dark Matter theory to weigh the photon field, bringing it into the UFT equations. My paper on the Coriolis Effect is also here, as are my papers on MOND, the Bullet Cluster, GUT, Dark Matter, and so on. See below for chapter list.
Click on the image above to read the blurbs on the back. This is my third book, again being a compilation of my best papers from this website. Revised second edition. 22 chapters, 336 pages, available both hardback and softback. Diagrams in color. This book focuses on my nuclear diagramming papers, starting with "How the Elements are Built." Also chapters on the Spinon/Orbiton, Helium4, Period 4, and Period 6 (the Lanthanides). See below for full chapter list. Hardback is $45. softback $34. Shipping for one book is $5; for two, $7, and so on. You can pay using the Paypal links on this site (use the webkitty, pay mileswmathis@yahoo.com), or pay by your own favorite method. I do take checks, but if I don't know you I will wait for it to clear before I mail. International orders through Barnes&Noble only. You can order it directly from Barnes&Noble at this link, or order it signed from me. Just email me at milesmathis@protonmail.com.
The Charge Field. This is my fourth book, again being a compilation of my best papers from this website. 21 chapters, 338 pages, available both hardback and softback. Diagrams and other illustrations in color. The first four chapters here were cut from the green book, to make room for new chapters on Periods 4 and 6 there. Also my papers on unifying Maxwell's Equations, Drude Sommerfeld, Anderson Localization, the Solar Cycle, and the Hall Effect. See below for full chapter list. Hardback is $45, softback $34. Shipping for one book is $5; for two, $7, and so on. You can pay using the Paypal links on this site (use the webkitty, or pay mileswmathis@yahoo.com), or pay by your own favorite method. I do take checks, but if I don't know you I will wait for it to clear before I mail. International orders through Barnes&Noble only. You can order it directly from Barnes&Noble at this link, or order it signed from me. Just email me at milesmathis@protonmail.com.
2 A Disproof of Newton's Fundamental Lemmae 3 Angular Velocity and Angular Momentum 4 How to Solve GR Problems without the Tensor Calculus 5 Electrical Charge 6 Unifying the Proton and Electron 7 Unifying the Mesons 8 Superposition 9 Superposition Again 10 A Mechanical Explanation of Entanglement 11 The Double-Slit Experiment 12 Explaining the Ellipse 13 The Universal Gravitational Constant 14 Celestial Mechanics, unanswered questions 15 The Sun's Angular Momentum 16 Retrograde Orbits 17 The Trouble with Tides 18 The Magnetopause Calculated with the Unified Field 19 How to Build a Nucleus without a Strong Force 20 The Mysterious Muon 21 The Fine Structure Constant 22 The Compton Effect and the Klein-Nishina Formula 23 A Disproof of Asymptotic Freedom 24 A Reworking of Quantum Chromodynamics 25 On Laplace and the 3-Body Problem 26 Bode's Law 27 The Saturn Anomaly 28 String Theory, the inelegant universe 29 A Short Formal Proof of Goldbach's Conjecture
1. Eleven Big Questions 2. Death by Mathematics 3. The Calculus is Corrupt 4. The Virial Theorem is False 5. Unlocking the Lagrangian 6. An Analysis of Dark Matter 7. The Galactic Rotation Problem (MOND) 8. A Critique of the Bullet Cluster Interpretation 9. The Cosmological Constant is the Charge Field 10. The Earth's Eccentricity 11. The Magnetism of Mars 12. C-Orbit Asteroids 13. The Coriolis Effect 14. How the Charge Field causes the Ice Ages 15. The Hole at the Center of the Sun 16. The GOCE Satellite 17. Brownian Motion 18. Superconductivity 19. Earthquake Lights 20. Bremsstrahlung Radiation 21. The Stefan-Boltzmann Law 22. The Stern-Gerlach Experiment 23. The Electron Orbit 24. The Electron Radius as a function of c 25. The Reality of the Charge Field (how e=1/c) 26. Grand Unification Theory 27. Unified Field Equation Confirmed 28. The Great Neutrino Muddle 29. Physicists admit it: standard model is dead
CHAPTER LIST for Navigating the Atomic Nucleus 1. How the Elements are Built 2. Electron Bonding is a Myth 3. The Hydrogen Bond 4. Diatomic Hydrogen 5. Why is Mercury a Liquid? 6. The Nuclear Shell Model of Wigner 7. How to Build Uranium 8. Period Four 9. Period Six, the Lanthanides 10. The Oxygen Molecule 11. An Analysis of Meta-Cinnabar 12. Uranium Tetrafluoride 13. The Manganese Aluminum Quasi-crystal 14. Reaction with the Noble Gasses 15. Splitting the Electron? No 16. More on the Orbiton 17. The Charge Profile of Sr2CuO3 18. Helium4 a Boson? No 19. Why is AntiHelium4 so Hard to Create?
Chapter list for The Charge Field 1. More Problems with Bohr 2. The Rydberg Formula 3. The Schrodinger Equation 4. Reaction with the Noble Gasses 5. Maxwell's Equations are also Unified Field Equations 6. Maxwell's Lines of Force 7. Gauss' Law as a Unified Field Equation 8. Gauss' Electrical Law=Gauss' Gravity Law 9. The Proton Radius Puzzle 10. The Cause of the Solar Cycle 11. Blackbody Radiation as an Attraction 12. The Drude-Sommerfeld Model 13. Anderson Localization 14. The Phosphorus-Hydrogen Bond 15. What Rutherford really proved about the Electron 16. The Specific Heat Problem of Electrons 17. The Brightness of the Sky 18. Rewriting the Rayleigh Equation 19. Alternating Current and Inductance 20. P-N Junctions without Holes 21. The Hall Effect